Monday, September 19, 2011

Romney: Cheney is the 'kind of person I'd like to have' as my vice president

Mitt Romney has a vice presidential muse: Dick Cheney.

The Republican presidential hopeful sang the praises of President Bush's right-hand man this week, declaring Cheney has the qualities he'd like to see in a running mate.

Romney made the declaration at a town hall meeting in Arizona when asked if he'd consider having a Tea Partier on his ticket.

The former Massachusetts governor didn't answer the question directly, but said, "I think it was last weekend I was watching C-SPAN, and I saw Vice President Dick Cheney, and he was being asked questions about a whole host of issues: following 9/11, the affairs in various countries in the world."

Romney continued, "And I listened to him speak and said whether you agree or disagree with him, this is a man of wisdom and judgment, and he could have been President of the United States. That's the kind of person I'd like to have - a person of wisdom and judgment."

Romney's remarks have raised speculation that he's angling for an endorsement from Cheney.

Cheney hasn't said whom he'll throw his support behind in the 2012 Republican primary, but has previously slammed Rick Perry for his "over-the-top talk" on Social Security.

He acknowledged on Fox News earlier this week that he liked Romney but insisted he hasn't made up his mind.

The benefit of an endorsement from Cheney - a controversial figure dogged by sagging poll numbers - is up in the air. Even he admits that.

"Not all the candidates are necessarily interested in my endorsement, probably," Cheney recently told USA Today while on a book tour for his new memoir, "In My Time."

"Probably some \[would\] just as soon I stay away."

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