Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Graham Norton's problem page

Dear Graham

Q My five-year-old daughter, brought up on Calpol and Tixylix, now flatly refuses to take any medicine that isn’t bright pink and so sugary you can stand a spoon up in it. This was a problem in the summer when she was stranded in Turkey with an ear infection; it also threatens to be a problem whenever she comes down with something that needs proper antibiotics. We have tried bribery, home-made syrupy admixtures, CIA-style pindowns and emotional blackmail: nothing doing. We threatened her with suppositories and she laughed insouciantly.

My ex-wife thinks our child’s flouting of doctorly authority is a transference of deep Freudian traumas about our divorce; I think she’s just a bit timid and fussy, and unable to process the idea that something unpleasant now might make things better later on. Whoever’s right, we need practical advice before winter brings with it the usual raft of infectious diseases. Joseph K, Birmingham

Dear Joseph

A The good news is that your five-year-old daughter is very clever and making fools of you and your ex-wife. The bad news is that unless you nip this behaviour in the bud, before you know it your daughter will be 27 and throwing herself to the ground in a sobbing heap because she doesn’t like the canapés being served at a party. There is no doubt that the divorce is at the heart of the problem, but it’s not because of the effect it is having on your daughter. You and your former partner are both so terrified of becoming unpopular with your little girl that she is running rings around you.

I’m afraid that you are going to have to break her, like some sort of horse or obstinate dog. You are the parent and giving in to a five year-old is not an option. Nobody wants to take medicine but we learn to do it because we have to. You and your ex-wife must put up a united front and be as strong as each other. I’m afraid the situation may get worse before it gets better, but be patient.

There is only one thing worse than a spoilt brat and that’s a spoilt brat with an infectious disease. You have the power to cure this.

Dear Graham

Q I’ve recently got engaged and am having some doubts. I’m 33 and am worried that if I were still in my early twenties there is absolutely no way I would be marrying this particular man. We have a great time together playing golf and going rambling, and have lived together happily for three months now. But it suddenly occurred to me the other day that actually he is a bit of a nerd. He already wears Hush Puppy shoes and thick geeky glasses, and he has a mild stutter. I can’t help thinking I’m just getting a bit desperate. Body clock ticking and all that. But perhaps if I waited a bit I’d meet someone more suitable. Please tell me I’m being crazy. Letitia B, London

Dear Letitia

A You aren’t crazy. There can’t be a bride alive who didn’t have some doubts before the big day. Even Cinderella might have debated if the whole Prince Charming slipper thing made him a sweet guy or a bit of a stalker. I haven’t met either of you so it is hard for me to judge, but just from reading your letter the positive seems to outweigh the negatives.

You have a great time together and you even enjoy living under one roof. It doesn’t really matter that you wouldn’t have married this slightly nerdy man when you were in your early twenties because you’re not that person any more. Sure, he’ll never go clubbing, but is that really what you want?

I think that you see your youth receding into the distance as you approach the aisle, and that’s never a pleasant feeling. The trick is to keep your eyes forward on the happy future you will have with this man.

Of course, you may have hooked up with some weirdo because you were so terrified of being left on the shelf, but that’s what divorce was invented for.

Dear Graham

Q Last year my wife and I invited all the family (eight in total) on holiday to a villa we had rented in Spain. However, after three days I made a comment about my son’s girlfriend during an evening meal as she was being very disrespectful to my son.

My wife told me that my son was not happy about my comments and although he never mentioned it while on holiday there was a strained atmosphere and they (son/girlfriend) became very distant until early this year, when matters all blew up and a family row resulted. The air is now slightly clearer, but I still feel things are not right.

Surely I am allowed to voice my opinion, and should not my son’s girlfriend have spoken to my son and sorted it all out? How can I create harmony between us all again or should I not bother? SG, Maidstone

Dear SG

A You criticised your son’s girlfriend in front of her and the whole family and you wonder why there is a bit of an atmosphere? I’m not saying you’re dim but if you were a light bulb I doubt you could illuminate the glove compartment of a car. I understand that you felt the need to defend your son but you must accept that he is a man now and must fight his own battles. If he wants to go out with some rude harridan that is his business. Since you started this it is up to you to finish it. You really won’t want to hear this but I’m afraid you must apologise. Sentences like “I’ve been a silly old fool …” will have to come out of your mouth if there is any hope of resolving this problem.

On the bright side they are young so she’ll probably break your son’s heart soon when she leaves him. Next time, remember Mum’s the word and Dad is the idiot who needs to learn when to shut up.

Dear Graham

Q My wife is very house-proud and (like me) a keen reader. But our tastes differ. We have recently redecorated and she insists that the copious bookshelves downstairs – where we had previously kept a collection of favourite volumes that I often read – should be occupied only by smart hardbacks with well-known authors. This means a preponderance of books that she enjoys, by writers such as Jeffrey Archer, Jilly Cooper, Barbara Taylor Bradford, Jackie Collins and so on. These will look smarter, she says. No disrespect to my wife – who is not dim – or these authors, who are in their own ways highly proficient, but I fear that if we display just these works and none of the battered but unmistakably highbrow books that I prefer, visitors will think we are morons. Any thoughts? MB, Cirencester

Dear MB

A For all your highbrow reading you are still a rather shallow snob aren’t you? Books on a shelf don’t make people clever or stupid. Holly Willoughby, sat in front of the complete works of Milan Kundera, is still Holly Willoughby. Perch Stephen Fry on a stack of Dick Francises and he won’t start talking about Corrie v. ’Enders.

Granted, someone’s home will tell you something about their taste; but with luck we demonstrate our intelligence in ways outside of interior décor. My other worry is that if you believe reading all these books makes one a moron, then you appear to have thought it was a good idea to marry one. It goes without saying that one should never judge a book by its cover or a man by his library, but I fear I must judge a husband by his letter. The end.

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Weekend’s agony aunt column features Graham Norton on alternate weeks. Email your problems to The best email will win a bottle of champagne.

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