Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Low Interest Rate Kept Low by Feds to Avoid Another Banking Correction

We are seeing the most amazing rates we have seen in decades and it's all because the fed knows that if rates rise, it prices out even more homeowners out of homes and home values will see yet again another correction in high priced home states.Keeping the rates low is just another way of doing extend and pretend economics. Just like the tax incentives and credits the government gave, rates are low so that the housing prices slide lower instead of correcting quickly. By keeping rates low it allows the prices to stay high and really keeps the typical middle class tax payer stretched to the limit if they want home ownership, especially now with high unemployment and under employment. We have already seen over a decade of lost mortgage payments for the home owner and all so that the banks can fatten their wallets.
America as a whole went through a period of debt backed growth and now the debt has run out. People were spending at a rate higher than the wage growth and now it's all catching up to us. In my opinion, we need to take our hit and get on with tightening our wallets, increase savings and get back to the normal job growth so that we can get through these volatile economic times. The fed needs to stop the "to big to fail" political game and let the hit come. There will be a major shift in wealth and new opportunity to present itself. They are now looking to increase the federal debt ceiling yet again and for what, to try and save us from ourselves and put their nose where it does not belong again, putting us into an even greater financial crisis than the current $14 trillion in debt. Talk about the biggest ponzi scheme in U.S. History. It was not Madoff or Enron.
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It was the financial sector and bank bail-out. And it's our tax dollars at work. The federal government has stolen money from us and will continue to do so. Sorry to be bleak but it's the truth, but most just turn a blind eye. The only way to fair through it is to get financially educated, stop complaining about your financial position in life, and take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself in front of you. No more fear based spending, saving and investing. People need financial education in order to survive. Get out there and get educated. It's the only way we as the middle class will not be the New Poor.

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