Thursday, April 28, 2011

Choosing A Niche Market For Expertise-Based Entrepreneurs - Part I

One reason small business owners don't make money online is because they either don't have a niche or target market to shoot for, or they just don't have certain things in place to create the kind of income stream they need.For example, here are the reasons for why small business owners don't make money online:
- They put up a website but don't advertise to get traffic
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- Content on their site does nothing to entice them to sign up for their services
- They try Google Adwords, but don't provide good ads to get clicks to their site
- They try to optimize their site to get good ranking on search engines but fail to do so
Obviously the reason for all the above is not being focused on what you are trying to accomplish and not having a niche. The most important way to sell online is to have a niche. This means you have a specific group of people to sell your services to. You can do this in many ways, including selecting a specific industry to serve, target a particular geographical location, or by choosing specific demographics.
What happens when you don't have a niche to work with? You not only find you lose focus as to where your business or product is going, but you also don't know how to market your product. For example, if you try to optimize your site for search engines, you won't know how to find the right keywords that will drive visitors to your site. This will make it touch for people to find you and what you are offering.
By not focusing on what your niche is, you won't be able to provide the right kinds of content. And this can hurt your business because you won't be able to find anyone to link to you. This is important for link popularity. This is what search engines use to rank your site.
By not having a niche or a focus, you will find more competitors jumping on the bandwagon and stealing your business.
So you see, having a niche is extremely important if you want to grow and prosper online. Having a niche does the exact opposite that not having a niche does. This includes:
- Knowing the right keywords to put in your web pages so the search engines can rank you higher. This way people can actually find you.
- You can better fine tune your website so it will be more appealing to your customer so they will be glad to sign up for your product or service.
- You will find people will be more than willing to exchange links with you since you will be better focused and have a niche market to work with. They will know you can make good money since you have a target you are now reaching.
- And if you advertise on Google, you will find your AdWords campaign will work much better in your favor.
The question is do you have a niche market? Are you selling to a niche market? If you are does your niche make you rich? If you feel like getting clients is a struggle, I can almost guarantee it's because you're not working in any specific niche market. In fact, I found that most of the problems small business owners have arise from lack of niche.
Finding a niche market is really not that hard to do. You have to know your product inside and out and have an idea what market to go after. Here are some important considerations for you to keep in mind when choosing a niche:
1. Focusing on a specific niche will allow you to concentrate your marketing efforts in a particular area.
2. Instead of limiting you, it can help position and brand your business.
3. You will be able to develop more targeted marketing materials that speak directly to your ideal clients.
4. Just because you target a certain group, doesn't mean that you can't reach out to other areas or expand your current marketplace.
5. Remember, choosing a target audience is not forever. Try it for a year, if you don't enjoy it, pick another.
6. Having a niche will increase your chances of getting referrals. If someone can't describe what you do and whom you can help, they won't be able to refer people to you.
7. Your ideal client profile may change over time.
8. Let your niche find you. Pay attention to the types of clients who you work with. You may soon notice that some of them fall into one or more groups.
9. Multiple niches are fine. Eventually, you may find that one of the several niches you work in is more enjoyable, profitable and easiest to reach.
Of course, finding a niche can be frustrating if you don't know where to look. This is especially true if you are not a marketer or are new to marketing. The best way to find your niche is to do research. You must research your topic or business theme and find others who also engage in the same business model and see who they sell to. You can also take surveys to find people interested in your products or services. You can even go online, type in a keyword for your business model and see how much competition is there. Then act like a buyer and contact the websites to find out how their business is going and where they are located.
The sky is the limit as to what you can do to find a niche and fill it.

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