Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Basic Steps Needed For Obtaining A Cosmetic Loan For Surgery

At one time, cash was the only way to pay for cosmetic surgery, but along the way many other methods of payment have come about.One of those methods is financing. However, cosmetic surgeons perform more procedures than just nose jobs and chin lifts. Sometimes there is a medically viable reason as to why someone needs cosmetic surgery. This can be dental work, procedures to remove scarring, or the need to remove an abnormality from the face. Whatever the reason, there are companies offering loans for those wishing to have some sort of cosmetic surgery.
What is needed?
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First of all, it is good to make sure there is some kind of collateral just in case. When financing a car or a home, those items can be repossessed if not paid for. As for a cosmetic surgery loan, the lender cannot repossess your face. The lender may ask you to put something you own up as collateral, which means a lien is placed upon that item. It can be a car or some other belonging that is comparable to the amount of the money being loaned for the surgery.
Second, be sure to have such information as what your total income is, what your expenses are, if you own or rent your home, and what your credit rating is. Unfortunately, if you have no credit or bad credit, qualifying for a cosmetic surgery loan might not happen. Most people need to have a credit score that is better than 700 in order to qualify and then there are other factors that can hurt your chances of acquiring the loan.
You also need to figure out how much you can afford each month in payments. Just keep in mind that lenders have a tendency to try and persuade you to take out a loan with a higher monthly payment to save on interest. Consider this carefully because a high monthly payment increases your monthly expenses exponentially and can hinder you from being able to take out other loans in the future until the current loan is paid off.
Where to apply
There are many financial institutions that offer financing for cosmetic surgery. Simply go online and see how many there are. With cosmetic surgery being so popular, many of the lenders have cashed in on the advantages by offering financing, which means that cosmetic surgery is no longer for the rich and the famous. Your friend down the street who makes $45,000 a year and has an excellent credit rating can have that bump on her nose fixed or get the breast implants she always wanted. If you've ever looked at someone and asked, "How did they afford that?" Chances are it was because they financed their surgery. However, they hopefully did the adequate research to find the right lender for them.
Every lender is different in interest rates and such, so it is important to find the right one for you. Once you find them and are ready to fill out the application, you will notice that the application process is more or less like any loan application. All you have to do is fill out that application with the information you gathered about your income and expenses as well as basic information about yourself, and then submit it to the lender.
You will receive a decision back just like you do with any loan. You will either be approved or denied. If denied, some surgeons may offer installment options. Then again, it is important to go through the research phase again and see if you can find some medical financing. Just because one says no doesn't mean the next one will.

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