Monday, February 28, 2011

Lady Gaga gets VERY creative in 'Born This Way' video

Finally - Lady Gaga has expressed herself.

In her just-unveiled video for "Born This Way," the star lends something original to a song that sounded like anything but.

While "Born"'s music found La Gaga expressing Madonna's melody and arrangement nearly 20 years too late, the visuals to accompany it look like nothing we've ever seen.

At the clip's core lies a host of oozing, undulating,  sci-fi'd images of the female pelvic area, pulsing and dilating in a way that puts the birth process right in your face. It's a genuine taboo Gaga plays with here, lunging into the full throbbing goo that brings us all into the world without judgment or shame.

For that, she deserves kudos -- though she tests our patience getting there. The video for "Born This Way" lasts a full seven and a half minutes, nearly three of which are spent in a lead up to the music. Think of it as her "Thriller," only blessed, or cursed, with far more conceptual ambition.

Basically, "Born" amounts to Gaga's take on Good vs. Evil, with the former positioned as acceptance and the latter as exclusivity, and/or general meanness.

As a message, that's awfully safe stuff by today's standards. Everyone to the left of Sarah Palin would have no problem with it. But the visual presentation lends it the edge it needs.

It would help if Gaga added more humor to her piece. Most of what exists in it is of the unintentional kind. More, the clip's dancing and choreography isn't going to keep Madonna up at night.

Luckily, none of these drawbacks need to dominate. The clip's wild images of creation have a joyous shock value, as well as the key element the song itself lacks: creativity.

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